Monday, July 14, 2008

A rose by any other name...

Beautiful-adj-having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind:

pretty-adj-pleasing or attractive to the eye, as by delicacy or gracefulness:

thin-adj-having little flesh; spare; lean

These three terms are often used to describe the standards that American girls need to uphold when determine how they should consider physical appearance. However the American "cult" of Paris Hilton's and Nichole Richie want to be's tend to turn these standards and make then much harsher than we would like them to be. Which in turned as corrupted many minds in to believe that only those of use who are skinny enough to disappear when we turn side ways are considered pretty and beautiful. Now, more and more i am seeing the term of beauty go from thin to thinner to thinnest. Since when has being a healthy 125lbs been ugly.Why does the definition of beauty have to depend on a number on the tag of your jeans. Also why do we feel that if we can't see our bones that we aren't beautiful. I am find out that some guys are beginning to find that the anorexic skinny a turn off.


NewRomanticWays said...

Hey, just randomly came across your blog on google and i just want to say i totally agree. It isnt just us in England that are having this problem then... and too be honest i think the skinny look is so over rated...


NewRomanticWays said...

Hey just came across your blog on google and i just thought id say i totally agree. And your not the only one who thinks this. Its exactly the same in England and too be honest the skinny look is so over rated. It makes you look ill (Y).
Great Blog btw.

hayley. said...

that is totally true, paris hilton wanabees really need to realise that its not good. like the ones with really low self esteem i feel bad for them but what does paris hilton do?
nothing. she has NO talent, nothing about her is "pretty" and i really cant stand people famous for nothing.
thanks for posting this blog

crystal :] said...

I totally agree, I know someone who had anorexia and it was not pretty...