Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tough Love

I know its been a long time since I've posted and as most of cannot wait to bash my own opinions i figured I would give you all something to criticize. First off I am very different from all those other "Teenage bloggers." because I'm tackeling the issues. Just because you don't like my opinion on something like abortion doesnt mean you have to agree. I have been raised to believe that abortion is wrong. (slightly off topic but why do we have an unborn victims law if we do not consider it a person???[any one care to debate that point with me?]). As for those of you who say i dont look at both sides of the arguement I do. I just choose not to believe that killing an unborn human being is morally and ethically right. I mean its completely cool with me if you think killing our countries future is a cool thing to do by all means im not gonna stop you its your life. I have seen both sides of the arguement. I have met people who told me they regret their abortions or wish they would have heard the other side. I'm not quiet sure how to close this post other than.. Stop being close minded. I know i am not. I just present my side of the arguement.
Thanks for reading
P.S THe top link is a survy done after women had abortions (included in that is a survey done by planned parenthood and woments experineces with them) And the bottom link is the National Right To Life's page on the Unborn Victim Laws.


crystal :] said...

I completely agree with you, I could never have an abortion. But I do think it should be someone's choice whether or not they have an abortion, as long as they know what they're doing...

SmartMouth said...

hey i agree with you about abortion/global warming etc :) stumbled across your blog by accident but i think i'll swing by again sometime

worldviewer said...

agree agree agree! lol the fact is that most people who say we're old fashioned and closed minded, or ignorant to the other side more than we are. They're right and were wrong and that's it, DoNe! I just stumbled on yuor blog today cool stuff, you should write more.

worldviewer said...

agree agree agree! lol the fact is that most people who say we're old fashioned and closed minded, or ignorant to the other side more than we are. They're right and were wrong and that's it, DoNe! I just stumbled on yuor blog today cool stuff, you should write more.

Anonymous said...

My view - abortion is wrong. But I also believe that the answer is to educated woman, not to debate whether or not it's right.

Lvoe your blog - I'm linking to it. :)

Unknown said...

I Really like you website.
I also think that everything you wrote about abortion is really true. I am going to look more into abortion.

I dont ever think i would abort but i think it is a good think that we have the choice for young women. Because a child at a young age could ruin school.

Hope you get back to me!

Creativity Theorist, Art-Activist, Sociologist. said...

The Creativity Manifesto takes a strong feminist stance on all womens issues. Our view is that abortion is the exclusive right of all women. It's your body, and should always be within your control. You left a link on my Cornwallorganic page which was just a few photos from an art trip to Cornwall this is my more active blog. David