Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's time to change the world

Today, I was thinking, why is everyone in the world so negative? I mean there's sights like FML out there that just say how much some one's life sucks. Personally I think life is pretty good so what your boyfriend broke up with you or you sent a text to the wrong person or some one called you a name. That's life and it happens all the time. I don't know maybe I'm weird but I hate being depressed. Yes, I have bad days but you learn to let them go. Why don't people look at sights like


People need to open their eyes. So what your not a size zero, your jeans size may have two digits in it. A number does not define who you are! You are beautiful to some one. I know that I'm not a single digit in anything and honestly i'm okay with that. If your trying to be skinny so a guy can like you this is how I see it: If a guy likes you when you arent skinny he's seeing so much more than the way you look. He likes you for the person that you are not the clothes you wear or the size you are. And to me, thats when you find the sincere guys.

I say we start an anti pessimism movement. We are all beautiful in out own way,
You are beautiful.