Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Global warming

This is one of my classic satirical looks at many of the problems facing Americans today:

GLOBAL WARMING....Now you may ask what brings up this topic in a 16 year old.. well there is a simple answer to all this...I'M WEARING A HOODIE TO BAND IN JULY... excuse me i thought that global warming meant that ...(drum roll please) the globe was getting WARMER. Excuse me but Hoodies in JULY aren't exactly a fashion "DO" . Why might i ask if the GLOBE IS WARMING, is it only in the MID 70's upper 60's this week. I was kinda hoping with the GLOBAL warming to be in shorts and a t-shirt not Capri's and a hoodie. Why is it that the Media crazed politicians feel the need to make up ludicrous Theory's such as Global Warming. I would like to point out here that the planet has been warming up sometime before Man arrived here. I believe it was called the Ice age when WHOLLY MAMMOTHS and Pterodactyl's roamed the earth... Now the ice age implies or is widely accepted that there was ICE covering most of the earth. Now look out side I don't see any ice outside. OH my there must have been global warming back when the wholly mammoth walked the earth...what was causing the global warming back then??? I don't think the wholly mammoths were driving SUV's. And i don't think that Pterodactyl's were flying around in luxury air craft...So then what caused global warming...I think i know... When the first Caveman politician spoke. And all of his hot air caused the ice to melt. Now when Al Gore began to walk to earth he consisted of so much hot air that the Greenland and Antarctica began to recede at a rapid rate. And as more and more politicians(which by the way the Latin translation of politan is Many Parasites [hmm is there irony there or what])began to walk the earth the hot air created from their breath began to warm the earth causing most of the ice to melt.


Luke said...

That's right. Global Warming is the thing that all governments use as an excuse to get more tax money off people without them complaining.

Coda said...

i think your opinions are pretty darn cool. you r very strong minded.